art class week 1 — gesture & contour
Here are some of my favorite assignments from the first week! In order: 45 min sustained, 1 hr line contour, and 8 min line gesture.
My D&D Character (in progress)
My Character Sheet (manually filled): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UNOLrF5O1zXg4FUScyRYMKSTfNs0pCdB/view?usp=sharing (link to google pdf because it was too big) My Character Sheet (filled on d&d beyond):
For sprint occurrence For thread loop closure Check for minotaur in loop, send back to entrance For item use Type of item Change of player or minotaur speed For board clear Reset board with slightly higher speeds Both for the player and the minotaur (need faster reaction times) program character { if alive =…
Ew migraine
I know I haven’t written anything in awhile so I just wanted to explain that I got a migraine last week. Since it was near impossible to look at screens, I wanted to save every bit of brain power for completing late work for school rather than blog. However, during times that I could not…
Friendship Friday
While waiting for my last class last Monday, I confided in my friend that I’d been obsessed with two songs from the Treasure Planet soundtrack. I’d been listening to them on repeat for the past week and had worked up the dying urge to rewatch treasure planet. We started to discuss this movie, why it…
Quick Animation
I did a little animation because my friends were busy, and I actually had a lot of fun doing it. I feel so happy and excited for getting a rough draft of this animation. The giddiness that I’m feeling just really confirmed that I’m in the right major, which is a great feeling. I’ve just…
Weary Wandering
Waning off the will to wield, to hold, held, the hilt waiting for you to want it once— once more, but you whisper the world still silent, words slipping away. Wading in the wake left by wounds ripping what was left? you were wasted, always wondering, must I wander more, finding the handle held tight,…
Game History Research Paper Start
I’ve started work on an optional essay for my CGT 105 – Intro to Games class. I chose to focus on text adventure games. The following is pasted from the assignment document: The paper should focus on the following: What the topic is, and its history. Who developed/invented it? When did it happen? What interesting…
Adonis Tuggle
Yesterday, African American Purdue student, Adonis Tuggle was assaulted by White American officer Jon Selke. Tuggle’s girlfriend, with whom he was arguing when the police were called, filmed the act of police brutality. The video shows the campus police officer pushing Tuggle into the snow and pressing his elbow against Tuggle’s neck. Tuggle says, “you’re…